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28 Jan 2010 / former_easa_blog

EASA: An Exhibition 2010 open call for submissions

Hey everyone,

easa010 needs your help! We’re putting together an exhibition all about EASA, to try to show Manchester how special EASA is. If it’s as good as we hope it will be, it’ll make it much easier to get sponsorship and help of all kinds.

So far, we’ve followed the links to almost everything of EASA that is accessible online: issuu, flickr, youtube, past easa websites, and of course future easa websites. This means that we have quite a lot of material from the past four years or so.

We’re especially interested in photos, memories, name tags, etc from older pre-digital easas. Also, images/drawings of the major built workshops of the past: the Swiss bridge or Danish pavilion for example.
But this doesn’t exclude the recent past. If anyone has photos of re_pose, or the completed Loggia, we’d be interested in them.

We are also going to have part of the exhibition that is dedicated to the effect that easa has had on people over the years, so if anyone has any stories about the impact of easa on them let us know!

This list is not exclusive. We’d be grateful for anything you think is useful.

You can find out more about the exhibition and venue at

email questions or exhibition material to
Thank you!

posted by tombennell
Thu, 28 Jan 2010 17:16:49 GMT

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