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easa – European Architecture Students Assembly

easa was established in the early 80’s, when students of architecture from Liverpool invited their fellow students from Europe to come and help them solve problems in their city. About 300 students gathered to work on the theme ‘starting up the easa experience’. Since that work was successful, the experiment was taken up the next year again. Since then there has been an Assembly in different countries with 400 to 500 participants each year.

sesam – Small European Students of Architecture Meeting

The SESAM is an event arranged by the easa network. Like the basic idea of the easa Assembly, a SESAM can give a addition and/or alternative to the education of the students. The independence and off-university-character creates an informal atmosphere. The SESAM is a workshop with a small number of participants. Through this concentrated character the SESAM allows to work on a tight theme. After a number of similar events in the year before in Italy, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, etc., the first easa workshop with the name SESAM was realized 1992 in Villafames/Spain (October, 50 participants).

incm – The Intermediate National Contact Meetings

The INCM isheld every year in november. They are the main event next to the assembly to keep the continuity of easa. There have been such memorable meetings like Berlin 1990, where the “Lichterfelde statement” was made. Out of the “Lichterfelde statement” the easa-guide developped, which is updated yearly at the NC-meetings.