EASA010: Wo!manchester Workshop
hey everyone!
Wo!manchester Workshop is already busy working on how it can be done this summer in the first 2 weeks of august and for this-we need your help. We want to open a discussion here and exchange input so we can go wo!hou! and it is very important to understand wo!manchester as a humanistic research, rather than a feministic one. >>>This is for all of us.
we are questioning the identity of both genders and want to do some serious research. It be great, if we get input from all over europe even from now on-so we can catch the zeitgeist! As u might know Manchester has been up front in european history, when gender issues began to change our lifes. That is why we want to take that more than 100 year old power, that has been there and go even further and continue the suffragettes work. Today we are not fighting for women voting anymore, but what is the story today-are we still kind of backwards? What are the issues? can we solve that-and how?
How bout some inspirational questions to answer:
1. Do u think women in architecture are equal? Why? and Why not?
2. What if we have family? Do we need different structures? Are men equal when it comes to family? Why not?
3. Do we have the need to talk about gender issues in EASA? 1. during an event? 2. during the year and in general? 3. interventions, thoughts?
4. What makes a city more women-(family)-friendly? Interventions? (example:helsinki) Do u have other examples?
5. Is your architecture school doing something for equality? Like, how many students doing their doctors are female? How many will continue working or teaching? Does your school have childcare places? Are they sensible about gender friendly-language?
6…you go ahead…<3
BLOG: womanchester.wordpress.com: On this blog, we want to keep you informed and we will post interesting stuff about theater, wo&men and everything that can help wo!manchester to become a successfull output of EASA010.
We are very open for any input and u can also write us if u prefer to. as better we know what u want and like, as more we can make u happy with our workshop.
We are thanking u in anticipation:
yvonne and olivera
posted by womanchester
Sat, 24 Apr 2010 17:30:53 GMT