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25 Jan 2011 / marko

showcase / this is beta

this is the test-drive of a new easa communication platform…

i understand you all would like a new platform, the blog was a nice thing, but it’s almost 10 years old and not as web 2.0 as you all expect nowadays.

therefor i was happy about the initiative to create a new website. sadly i deeply disagree on the concept of for several reasons:

  • flash is not an adequate technology
      is slow
      needs a lot of computing power
      needs a lot of bandwidth
      not readable on mobile devices
  • i dont like entry pages to click on
  • the blog is not integrated
  • no API to connect other web-apps
  • is not likely to be further developed

the login should be easy via facebook connect (just use your existing credentials) or create a new user just for this site.

the static pages (menu on top) can easily be edited by the current easa-team, the blog should be organized by proper set categories and tags.

for this reasons i just set up a new wesite based on wordpress – it’s just a showcase for now, feel free to try it out. your feedback is very welcome. the site is not finished yet, i’m open for suggestions.

dear paddy: thank you very much for your efforts and energy in this topic, i’m sorry i can’t tune in. i don’t want to make this a big thing – i just want to show other possibilities.


the austrian dinosaur

PS: all the text of the static pages is subject to change

edit: added

  • youtube
  • issuu


edit: added entire antville archive (since 2002)

edit: added flickr preview and shadowbox (for nicer viewing)

edit 22.09.11: added google +1


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  1. pekka ijäs / Feb 8 2011

    i agree, backed up at least by eero, our other finnish apeman.

    opinions: naturally the official easa-website should be as simple, fluent, adaptable, user-friendly and professional looking as possible,

    and as initiated by marko the austrian dino here, good discussion is the way to achieve the optimal outcome. right on, and respectus maximus to everyone & everything, including project.


  2. Ronan Kenny / Feb 21 2011

    i think there needs to be a divide between the ‘public face’ of easa and the actual network and the ‘behind the scenes’

    maybe these two websites can co exist

    the as a static ‘showcase’ type thing
    and (to be renamed) as the ‘social network’

    i’m new to this facebook connect thing, lets see how it works.

  3. JIm / Mar 12 2011

    Hello everyone!

    Great to see movement here & big respect to Marko giving his precious time. x
    I shall have a good look through then return with comments, when less ‘sleepy’ it’s been a long day ;-)

    Back soon…
    UK Team (dinosaur)

  4. Max Well / Mar 19 2011

    Great work.
    I had instant doubts after seeing the other project. The need for an overarching site might be needed (personally I don’t think so. The current easa hosts should be able to cover what little needs to be said, and there is no central organisation that needs to be represented) but flash is not the way to go. I made a mistake designing the 010 site in flash. It’s very difficult to get right unless you are a developer.

    This looks like a very valid platform to take forward. After a quick look around, the mobile site is quick and other to navigate. Desktop view a little slow to load on mobile, mainly the sidebar widgets.
    Also I think if a twitter hashtags is to be used it is not easa. Pointless sharing with the aviation crew. I’d suggest easa011?

    Oh and no facebook connect on mobile side only pages login. Is CHF possible?

    Good work!

  5. Ronan Kenny / Jul 21 2011

    easa begins on saturday – i´m helping with the IT lab

    I was thinking of putting this website as the homepage.

    what do you think?

    i will also put

    • marko / Jul 22 2011

      Sure, sounds great to me. Maybe you can set up a team to give feedback or even create/tune a theme for the wordpress layout…

      Would be great to fill this up with content! Everyone can post stories, embed Issuu PDFs or videos…
      Even better would be to have a team to set up the static Easa-pages like about, events, meetings, … just tell me and I’ll give you edit rights on the pages.

      Just keep in mind this site is still beta – the DB-server may not be ready for heavy traffic… ;)
      If this page becomes the official site, you might need an Easa-dedicated server and domain.

      Keep me posted (@prdsr),
      Marko (Dino from austria)

  6. Kajsa Börjesson / Aug 24 2011

    Discuss the blog

    I take you up on discussing this blog and what format an EASA webpage should be. I like that this blog seems easy to manage and a good thing that you are connected via facebook and can invite people. It is a good way to get the blog known, both among EASAians and to connect more architect students via our networks in our own countries. Everyone have to start promoting it more though, there is 42 member. I invited all my EASA contacts via facebook, but not so many have accepted.
    So the question to ask and discuss is:
    What do we want of an EASA webpage and blog?
    This is my view:

    1. Stay connected as a community.
    Be able to discuss whatever topics, talking about EASA, architecture and life. Put up links to workshops, chare pictures and videos.

    2. Develop the community and chare information.
    Chare information about what is going on. Future EASA, SESAM and INCM. Provide more info about EASA, like the guide and some sort of archive. We should also post info about other architecture related events happening. Make plans for more events and get-togethers. Have a discussion about what EASA is and can be. Make everyone more a part of the organisation. It would be an idea that future organisers keep up a tread, or take part in one (organisers do not have to take initiative!) to discuss upcoming event. There is obviously more topics to discuss.

    3. Reach out with EASA.
    Let people know about EASA: Architect students who would like to join, also looking for new people with ideas who can do workshops. Possible sponsors. Showing people projects we have done, ideas, a point of view.

    4. Work as a platform for European architect students.
    Be a place where discussion about architecture education, the future profession of architecture and the built environment can take place. How can a webpage both be introvert discussing EASA and extrovert inviting people who does not care about national evening and going to an assembly to want to visit the page and take part in discussions.

    It is mostly the fourth point that is not part of the blog at he moment. And has not been a part of EASA either. Everyone is free to disagree, but this would be my vision. An other thing is connected to Ronan’s post about possibly having two webpages. One “official face” and one discussion forum. I think they should be connected, but maybe have two different addresses, one you end up at a more official first page where you can find out more about easa, and one with blog posts.
    And finally I think we should choose two people to be moderators of the blog. I mean now you are doing it Marko, setting this one up and all and developing it. For the future it is important that it is passed on and that we have a couple of people that are up for developing the blog/website at least a year further. And check that every INCM, so it is up to date.
    /Kajsa Börjesson

  7. Elaine Bonavia / Aug 24 2011

    I prefer this website to the other one- its non flash. but i find it’s already too cluttered and its not even loaded yet. I think trying to put everything in one website will not work. I also think Kajsa’s post above hit some great ideas and relevant points but this is what i see in my head as something that could work.

    _you click on
    when you enter the site you see the 4 letters: EASA
    _you click on E it takes you to a history/ info section about EASA (maybe also a blog at the end of the description where dinos can post pics or vids or memories or stuff ) or it could just be the archive section.
    _you click on A it takes you to an ongoing blog about Kajsa’s point 1 and 4- discussing architecture life back home, posting links to home events and stuff going on in yr country .. a place of discussion for the future of the profession… etc
    _you click on S and it will take you to a showcase of what we do/ have done : a series of pictures or video posts of the workshops. visual
    _you click on A and it will take you to a blog about future events/ incm /sesam/ nye.. plus discussions about incm, easa assembly.. the more easa related topics

    then on top of all that, at the bottom of each page you’d have all the external links that exist, organised in categories as they are very nicely done at the bottom of this website, or any other categories ( i can think of plenty)- that’s my favourite thing on this page at the moment.

    i dnno how difficult or easy it is to design what i posted above.. but it doesnt need to be exactly like that, the idea is not to try and cram everything into one place, to try and group topics wisely and to categorise in a relevant way- example i think the NC tab on this website is useless- that could be a downloadable PDF cause it changes over time anyway. Also you don’t need an ‘about’ tab and a ‘meetings’ tab.. you could hit two birds with one stone and put it all in one tab… including the easa guide if needs be.

    thats it for now.

    ALSO – please lets discuss INCM topics so that we dont waste time discussing during what to discuss during the INCM. I’ll have to find time to post about this soon.
    Thanks for the email Kajsa X

    All of ya feedback svp!


    • paradeiser / Aug 27 2011

      thanks all for the feedback and discussion. that’s what i hoped to achieve with this site…

      help me out an tell me what categories you would like to see here.
      (should be a compact list!)

      additional also a list of tags that should be applied would be nice (i thought of tagging e.g. year, incm, easa, info pack, Umbrella, video, workshop, ….) multiple tags per post are possible.
      (this list could be endless, most used tags show up in the tag-cloud)

      BTW: this site could easily have a static entry-page (e.g. just for not logged in users, or for everybody) to have the ‘serious website face’. just make the content for it and i set it up…


  8. ama / Sep 3 2011

    already prefer this page

    agree perhaps a static page/s on top of this layer would be useful “as a public face”, the information can easily be amalgamated from or ‘about’ pages…

    also I can see this page on an iDevice, should I ever take leave of my senses…

  9. Fran Rodriguez Perez / Sep 8 2011

    Hello everyone,

    First of all, thanks Marko for all the effort put on this website. I can imagine how much time you have put on setting up and how difficult it has been making it just receiving scattered feedback messages through email/FB/website.

    Then, step by step:
    · One or two sites?: I think having a single site, discussion based, is the best way of reanimating a fluid conversation in EASA throughout the year. In my opinion, a second site would disperse people around different urls and could decrease the importance of both sites. At the same time, if a second site for informative purposes is created, it could happen that some contents had to be repeated in both creating an overlapping sensation.

    · easa FB page: Has it disappeared? I can’t see it anymore… Then this platform has become the best way to communicate atm.

    · Easily changeable contents: As Elaine was saying, there are contents like the NC list that can change very regularly and need to be updated. An alternate unchangeable-over-time option would be to create email addresses under the EASA domain (i.e.

    · Widgets: Integration works very well!

    · Archive (quickly mentioned by Kajsa. point 2): I think still is difficult to get what EASA is just by reading the about page. Having brief explanations of past easas supported with an image or two could help. This would need some archiving… I can help on that.


  10. Ronan Kenny / Oct 24 2011

    So! let’s move over to and have it hosted there! I am the current administrator of this domain so I can help.

    INCM Azerbaijan – which is ongoing at the moment – will pay for the domain and hosting for the following year (less than 100 euro!) Someone from the INCM team should be appointed each year to update NC list etc and make sure the website is still up and running, and pass on billing information to the next INCM organisers. Password access to the wordpress admin page should be available too.

    Each year there will be individual websites for every event in the format etc. these can be tailored for sponsors and individual themes.

    Marko – can we organise this transition this week? I will line up a hosting provider. i suggest who did site

    Let me know how I can help @ronan_kenny

    • paradeiser / Oct 24 2011

      wow! sounds like a plan to me ;)

      this would be i guess? (we need a linux-box running PHP5 and SQL)

      but i fear it will take me more than a couple of days to complete the entire transition… i can just to it bit by bit (at least not in the digital meaning ;)

      can we set up a Skype meeting – maybe wednesday afternoon? i’d like to tune in the INCM … ;)

      (and i heard some rumors about a great INCM proposal for 2012 ! – did that already happen?)


      PS: is there an official easa hashtag?

  11. Ronan Kenny / Oct 24 2011

    Great! Skype meeting Wednesday @7pm GMT about EASA Website. Can someone at the INCM in Baku get in touch with us?

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