strange shared space
architecture: what a space looks like or how is it used?
human interaction, real and virtual weaving together to give new experiences, new groups, new ways of doing things
what are the architectural implications of all this ever changing technology?
(media lab europe has set up recently in dublin, ireland- this has come from MIT`s media lab in the US.
interesting stuff is going on here, 1 thing – the DATA (dublin art and technology association )group: open network, all welcome, free, people come share ideas, play, discuss………….
this is one of their many Research group- Human Connectedness)
any EASA heads on for trying to have a webconforence of sorts, just as an experiment in shared space- your there, were here, together were in a strange shared space….
10 years time, most school kids will be doing this
what will we be doing then?
posted by duncan
Mon, 08 Mar 2004 22:08:50 GMT