Something from Turkey…..!
Hi everyone….I study architecture in Trakya University in Turkey.This is my third year at school , I spend many hours in internet but i really didnt know this site and europen architecture students assembly.In turkey -and of course in my university -people doesnt know this group like me.-and i learnt by a chance-So from now on may be you can see turkish students more :-)
I read the essay about non- formal education in architecture.In fact , i wanna say something about this.I have the same worries.Architecture can not be bounded by lessons and theoric knowledge.Wherever you are ,i think problem is the same….We use internet to get information , we try to make activities and improve ourselves.But these are not enough.We have to exit bounds and do something different .With this thought ; (may be this is not a great solution but it is enjoying and makes me feel better) in architecture faculties in turkey we made up groups which are formed of 8 people( two people from one year ,so by this way 1,2,3,4th year students come together ).These 8 people sometimes work on their own; they research different subjects in architecture , and share their knowledge with a bulletin.So everybody read bulletins and get knowledge about different subjects , and they dont spend time on investigating that topic.And sometimes all the groups in the same university come together and work on something together.For example in my university we are arranging the landscape of the part of our garden in our school , and we are preaparing a Edirne -the city i live- city guide.That guide isnt like a touristic guide .This is- of course- more architectural.We investigate every street , every building,every point of the city.We take photos and determine the original design of buildings.Every group work in different part of the city.In the end of the year we are going to bring them together and publish our work as a book.By this way while we are learning different sort of things we have good time with our friends and we learn our city too .Sometimes groups in the other universities come together , make meetings and share their ideas with others.
And i wanna tell something about UIA architecture congress.UIA 2005 , world congress of architecture, this year will be in Turkey-İstanbul ,may be you know.Thats a great organization , about 10000 architects and students from different countries are going to meet in the same place.There will be many activities-as workshops,construction fair,exhibitions,presentations,cultural amd social activities,city tours and promotions- for 5 days between 3-8 July. The subject of the congress is ‘The Grand Bazaar Of Architectures.’ May be this 5 days organization can be useful in non-formal education in architecture i think.Also there is an international student design competition about the subject ‘EXTREME.’If you want to learn more you can also visit the site site is prepared also in Turkish and English….Hope you like….
posted by didem
Sun, 12 Dec 2004 17:39:36 GMT