creating the biggest gig ever?
1 day, 5 countries;
britain, france, germany, italy, USA
why are they doing it?
”we dont want peoples money, we want people to come and make a difference” says bob geldof
music men and women try to get everyone to come to protest at the G8 meeting (the gathering of the 8 leaders of the worlds richest 8 nations) in scotland to help erradicate world poverty
check out films, audio, and much links on BBC site
surely this is a massive logistical task, Scottish homes are being opened up, mosques, churches, community halls are all opening up to offer sleeping space for those coming to G8 protests
we will be going over to scotland with DISSENT, are there any of you invovled with the summers mobilisations, will any of you go to the free concerts, is this use of commercial popstars to try to raise awareness making any difference?
related article (28. June 2003)
make trade fair– a call on all EASA community to get involved
help make poverty history
and lastly you can watch FUSPEY film 1
posted by duncan
Mon, 06 Jun 2005 15:22:46 GMT