Posts from the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

- 01.7.08milano on feb
- 01.5.08a place to live in Am-dam? anyone?…
- 01.4.08Interesting Competition…
- 01.3.08Happy New Year Everybody!
- 012.25.07“Long distance call”
- 012.24.07berlin anyone?
- 012.21.07happy new (pagan) year 2008 from Irelands soul……A Right Funny Man Darcy
- 012.17.07Art Festival-Student Fest 2008
- 012.16.07an opportunity in india for global students and architects
- 012.11.07SESAM009_in_ROME
- 012.8.07Participative Design in Peru
- 012.5.07Books on green architecture
- 012.4.07Web site- Main structure
- 012.2.07we’re coming to berlin…
- 012.2.07Darn cold grey london need some easa love