Posts from the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

- 03.31.08EASA Workshops
- 03.26.08Workshop submissions
- 03.21.08Participation Application Forms
- 03.18.08prrs release
- 03.13.08“Hero of the planet” Bill Mc Donough, his ideas and how and to where they are spreading…buildings as trees, cities as forests
- 03.9.08Albania found!
- 03.9.08NEWS!!
- 03.4.08REVISED QUOTA easa|ireland|2008|newsletter|march
- 02.28.08EASA005 exhibiton in Macedonia
- 02.26.08Attention NC’s….Quota Time!!!!!!
- 02.26.08studying in espana
- 02.26.08Irlanda douze pointe
- 02.22.08trans-magazine
- 02.20.08S.O.S!!!!!Students coming to Portugal. We have only 6 days!!!